Sunday, May 31, 2009


Uncle A had his missionary farewell today (May 31). He gave a pretty amazing talk. It was a nice relaxing day too. Church didn't start till 12:30 so we didn't have to rush to get ready for church. Sunday School had a pretty hilarious jeopardy game. Too many people cared about winning. All in all, it was too much fun.

After church we came home for the farewell party. Dad made his famous pulled pork. Fefe was in a really good mood and ran around terrorizing everyone. All the kids have been having a great time. Their Mom and Dad never give them as much attention as their aunts and uncles do.

The family members we were able to gather right before eating.

This is the third picture I have in a row of Fefe having her picture taken by her aunts. She did look pretty cute that day.

Evil Spock.

Grandma Wasden and the great grandkids.

Josh trying to look cool.

Loofa giving himself a wet willy the one millionth time after being talked into by the adults.

Poor Loofa had a terrifying experience with a dog today. People that leave their dogs to run around should be fined massively. It was just a barker, but Loofa was already scared enough of dogs. He started running away and tripped on the driveway while screaming in utter terror. If I could have gotten close enough I would have given that dog a swift kick. Actually, the owners are the ones that deserve the kick.

Funniest saying of the day: Uncle J was playing Horse with Ephant and Brother B earlier this afternoon. Partway through, Ephant shouted out "I'm a HOR!".


Jocelyn said...

Wait, is that Lucy you're talking about? If so, I have an excuse. Neither of us was there when you got to the house.

Anywho, I love Loofa's face in the family picture. He looks like he's holding that smile and wondering when it's going to end.

JandS Morgan said...

Nope, it was the stupid dog across from Mom and Dad's house. Lucy is way too tame for that.

Maren Hansen said...

But, man,that's a load of guilt you're carrying around. Is Lucy really a holy-terror when we're not looking?... I think the best line was the one J made in Jeopardy:
Answer: discouragement & sadness
Question: "my marriage"
Maybe I should give you guys couples counseling for your bdays... :)