Friday, May 29, 2009

To Beach or Not To Beach

After days of sun, it finally decided to hide for a day. We checked out of the hotel mid morning and headed on over to Chris's apartment in Huntington Beach. The kids were pretty excited to see Chris's place and see Aunt Lucy again. We thought the clouds would burn away in a few hours so we hung out, watched Transformers and ate lunch. Sadly, it was colder when we finally went out than first thing in the morning. We couldn't possibly cancel the beach trip so we donned our swimsuits and headed out into the cold. The kids did have fun playing in the waves, but we probably didn't even last a full hour. Ephant was excited about all the shells, I don't think our beaches in Oregon have the colorful array we found here. Chris buried Brother B in sand in the beginning and a few minutes after coming out of it he decided he wanted to be buried again because it was warmer. Poor Fefe's lips were blue when we left. Luckily Lucy came to the rescue and ferried kids home on her bike.

The oil rigs just off the coast were pretty cool to see. Just a block down the street from Chris is an oil derrick sandwiched in between all the beach houses. It looks pretty dang funny. I guess Huntington Beach grew up around the oil industry at first.

After some very warm showers and a bit of relaxing, Chris and Lucy took us to the city center. We checked out the pier and then ate at a place called Wahoo's. Lucy then treated the kids to some ice cream. Loofa made his usual mess. Next time we'll have to give him vanilla.


Jocelyn said...

Haha, Loofa's got stubble.

Kim-the-girl said...

J looks like he's summoning his inner Calvin Klein model... Looks like so much fun... I'm trying really hard to keep that last commandment... thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's vacation.