Sunday, May 10, 2009

Children Are Wonderful

I love Mother's Day, not because of the pampering, but because of how wonderful it is to have my children constantly telling me how much they love me. They made their school gifts with such sincerity and were so excited for me to open them and read the cards they had made. It makes me feel so happy to know they love me so much even though I know I'm not a perfect mom. J also surprised me with a much better gift than I was expecting. On Tuesday I'll finally have a lens for my camera with a much longer zoom. Right now I have a 17-55mm and a 50mm. The one coming is 28-135mm. Now I can take really good action shots at the kid's games and other activities. We had yummy dinner at Aunt J's, it was mother's day, but she still cooked :) I'm still trying to digest it all and it has been 5 hours since I ate.


Maren Hansen said...

Jealous of your dinner... I got a similar gift: a downpayment on a new camera. Gotta do some research on what to get though. My needs are simple: must be able to take in RAW, and be loaded with megapixels and optical zoom... :)

Kim-the-girl said...

I love Mother's Day for that reason too and Bryant is the only one who reallytold me repeatedly. It just felt so good, I actually cried when reading the poem his class worked on for the moms. So sweet. Congrats on the new gift! Can't wait to see those pics!