Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Laptops and Couches

Some of you may remember the death of our laptop.  The hinge broke and we used it that way for about a year.  It was a pretty big pain trying various ways of propping it up or trying to hold it up with one hand while typing with the other.  On top of that, the power cords were junk.  They fall apart pretty easily, exposed wires and such.  When our second cord bit the dust we decided it wasn't worth it to buy another just for a half dead laptop.  Then Carol came to save the day.  They have a similar laptop with different problems.  She offered us their laptop so we could try to meld parts and come up with one working laptop.  I very easily switched out the lcd and then ordered another power cord.  Said cord arrived today and I'm typing this post up on the resurrected laptop.  I knew I had missed being able to sit on the couch while working on the computer, but had not realized how much.  I'll still do the majority of my work on the desktop because that is where my heavy duty software is, but for general work and vacation emailing, this is absolutely fabulous.  Thanks Carol!


Maren Hansen said...

Really, you replaced the screen yourself? That's what is broken on Dh's Mac and we're not paying $1200 for them to fix it. Someone told us we can have it done (not through Apple) for $250, but heck, if I can do it myself, I'm all about that. Hmm, I'll have to look into ordering one.

JandS Morgan said...

Oh yea, who knows if Apple is as easy as a Dell though. Look online to see if there are any guides.

Kim-the-girl said...

You never cease to amaze me with your computer know-how. You are awesome!

IandS said...

Wow - you amaze me?
BTW - we grew up with rhubarb plants in our yard and my Mom used to make rhubarb and apple pie - so good!

jjcrew said...

I really need, er, want a laptop. The desktop just isn't enough for our family and the things I need it for just with banking, recipes, RS presidency stuff let along communicating with friends and family. Maybe with my next bonus check (if I get one). What do you recommend?