Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On the Second Day

There was more driving. First, though, we had a brief dip in the hotel pool. Because of our marathon driving session the day before, we only had 4 hours left to drive. Loofa didn't care for the water all that much. Fefe liked it pretty well. Ephant and Brother B enjoyed it the most. I really need to take them all swimming more often, especially since E & B are so good now. Traffic wasn't too bad once we reached LA, although there was a 4 mile stretch that took us an hour to drive simply because a semi had broken down in the right lane. Our hotel has turned out to be pretty decent. We are right across the street from the main entrance. Now if we forget something it won't kill us to go back for it. The room itself is setup pretty well. When you first enter there is a little parlor area with a fold out couch, and tv. Then you enter into the main room that looks like a regular hotel room. It is nice to have the kids in a separate area so J and I can stay up later. Of course, because there are two tvs, they both had to be on.

Loofa enjoyed eating chips while watching tv in the stroller:

Nothing quite like cuddling with daddy!

J took the kids swimming again that evening while I took Fefe on a walk to hunt for some kind of grocery store. After about a mile and a half, I gave up and stopped at a 7-11. They actually had some pretty good slurpee flavors for once. It is funny to see all the little Disney gift shops scattered about. I really do love Disney. Disney World was so fun when I was younger. It really feels like a magical place.

After getting the 2 younger kids to bed we heard a really loud banging noise and realized the fireworks were going off at the park. Luckily our hotel has a viewing deck so we ran up there with Ephant and Brother B. It was short, but sweet. They had some cool fireworks I haven't seen before.

Off to bed I go, it's an early morning tomorrow to beat the crowds :)


jjcrew said...

You're amazing. The thought of all that driving makes me ill. I can't sit that long in a car. The older I get the worse it gets. Nevermind the element of children. Yea for uneventfulness on the way down!

Jocelyn said...

What did the world do before TV?