Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sun + Fefe

I really like the dynamics of how the sun and shadows ran across Fefe so I snapped a few shots. It's pretty rare that I get inspired by this type of artistry. I had noticed it for awhile because this is always where I lay her to change her diaper, but I always figured she would move before I could take her picture.

Now I just need to remember to have my camera in the car next time the town flag looks awesome.


Kim-the-girl said...

I love how stoic she appears. She is so cute!

IandS said...

Great picture - it also helps that your subject is so stinkin' cute!

Jacob J said...

Yea, it looks better here than when you showed me on the camera display. I like it. Bad baby.

Jocelyn said...

I do like that lighting.