Saturday, January 23, 2010

Knee Update

I've been going to physical therapy for close to 2 months now. My knee has improved, although I don't how much longer till it's 100%. The new orthotics I got seem to help more than anything. I can't tell how much the PT is helping with the improvement or if it is just time. After getting the new orthotics I started wondering if my old and very terrible orthotics were the cause of all this in the first place. Who knows, there are really so many pieces to the puzzle. I have two more weeks of PT and then I'm supposed to see the Orthopedic doc again. The PT does think I might have a labral tear in my right hip. If the doc thinks it's a possibility I'll need to get an MRI for my hip. I doubt I'll get the knee surgery since I've been improving. I am so tired of going to PT though.

One of the therapies they used was something called the Graston technique. It combs the muscle fibers to realign them and stretch them out. One time it gave me all these bruises. I bruise easily though so they weren't surprised. It did look lovely. The funny thing is that I didn't realize I had all the bruising till J noticed it. I was about to get in the shower and he said "What the heck happened to you!". I had noticed it was more sore than usual, but hadn't bothered to look.

The PT didn't give me the shiner, Princess Fefe did.


Kim-the-girl said...

Wow. That's quite impressive bruising. And the shiner's not too bad either. Aren't you lucky? I'm so glad your knee is feeling better as time goes on... keep us posted.

IandS said...

So are you going to be able to try running again?

Maren Hansen said...

ha, ha ha ha, now you have dirt on Fefe to make her feel guilt for the rest of her life for giving you a black eye!!

Cam said...

Ouch! You look like an abused wife! :) I get bruises on my legs a lot, and I never remember where I got them- I guess it has something to do with my nickname- "Grace."