Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nothing to See Here Folks

I took one picture on Christmas. This pretty much encapsulates it all.

Fefe couldn't have been more excited to open presents. Each one was accompanied by high pitched squealing and excitement. If I get up the energy I might put up some video of it later. It didn't take long for the kiddos to open all their presents. It was definitely a remote control car Christmas. Loofa has been dying to have his own huge one forever, but he was surprisingly sedate about receiving it. I was excited to give J a napping quilt that I had made for him. I'd been working on it in front of him for a while, but he didn't know it was for him. Most of Fefe's presents were related to some Nick Jr show or other. Brother B got a skateboard and J is pretty jealous of how nice it is. Ephant wanted an Ipod so she got my old one since I have my Iphone now.

We attempted to see Avatar at the IMAX Christmas night, but it was sold out through the weekend. We were finally able to see it a week later and it was so worth it. James Cameron has redeemed himself after Titanic. It boggles my mind that movie made so much money.

Glen really liked the water I would pour for the tree every day. Maybe I should add some pine fresh scent to his water.


Maren Hansen said...

ha, ha, totally reminds me of adam and hoss. maybe you could put some tinsel up and then watch as he chokes on it while you pull a foot of it out of his stomach...

Kim-the-girl said...

Ethan and I are hoping to see Avatar soon, maybe this weekend...