Saturday, January 23, 2010

Natural Born Princess

Fefe has really been coming into her own the last month or so. She's obsessed with "cute" clothes, has to wear dresses and skirts and prances around whenever she is happy. She is all girl. I can't say I encouraged it. Ephant didn't care much for princesses till she started playing with her best friend in preschool. It just comes naturally to Fefe.

Hats are a favorite right now too.

Mmmm, Doughnuts!

I know, the hairstyle is a little silly.

We finally pulled out the stuffed animals to see if she'd be happier.


Kim-the-girl said...

Oooo. I love that dress she's wearing... where did you get it? She is adorable! I keep wondering if we'll go through the princess stage... I'm not about to encourage it, so we'll see.

Maren Hansen said...

Ditto on the dress--it really accents those gorgeous hazel eyes. Love the "dog pile"... :)