Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Years Resolutions

J - Achieve rock hard abs
Me - Have super expensive knee surgery with a lengthy recovery
Ephant - Help mom prepare a lot of meals
Brother B - To finish Zelda
Loofa - Eat 2000 gumballs
Fefe - Be the only Morgan child to still eat fruit after the age of 3


Kim-the-girl said...

Sounds like your family has lots ahead of them in the upcoming year... fun, fun, fun!

Maren Hansen said...

ha ha ha ha. So is J going to achieve the rock hard abs by helping E cook since you'll be on your back recovering? And will Bro B be playing non-stop zelda while they're trying to cook, and feeding Loofa gumballs and P fruit so they can get the cooking done? I can just see a picture with all of you in those respective positions...