Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We've been having pretty typical spring weather here lately. Some days are nice, other days, not so much. Here are some recent pics from the nice days:


Kim-the-girl said...

I am so ready for actual spring! We get one day of 70 degree weather only to have it followed by snow and literally freezing temperatures!

IandS said...

It may feel like spring but looking at the kids in the pool makes me shiver. I'm not ready for swimming yet and it's 90 degrees here :) It's amazing what kids will put up with.
I do plan to spend most of the summer in the pool though.

Maren Hansen said...

that last pic of fefe should be on one of those "motivational" posters, like, if at first you don't succeed, remember that 72% of you will fail the second time, etc, etc

Terra said...

Cute kiddos.