Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The kids all had their dentist appointments this morning. It was Loofa's first time. Their teeth are all in great shape, which is amazing since I'll admit I'm really not that good at brushing for them. Thank goodness for flouride. Ephant had a tough time with the flouride because she has a very sensitive gag reflex, but she did better than last year. Brother B is stilll going to need his front frenulum clipped, but he has to wait till his top front teeth fall out. That could be another year if he is anything like Ephant. Loofa's teeth that he messed up in January are looking great. The xrays don't show any damage to his permanent teeth, although they may not show everything. Loofa did great with his cleaning. The hygeniest was telling him he liked his shoes and asked if they could trade. Loofa said yes and proceeded to hand him a shoe. What a sweet boy. I don't think the hygeniest expected him to be that willing to share :) Next week will be J and I's turn.

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