Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It Would Be So Much Funnier

if I could just record Loofa's conversations he has with himself, but we'll just have to settle for a written transcript.

“Can I do a belly dance?”

“Yea sure.”

“Yay for belly dance.”

(proceeds to take his shirt off)


“That’s not 4”

“Yea, that’s four.”


As an addendum, the other night we were watching Planet of the Apes and he started saying "Where's my precious booty?". Don't ask me where that comes from because I have no idea. The funniest thing about it though was his pronunciation - precious sounded like freshest.


Kim-the-girl said...

HILARIOUS! Granted, a recording would be even better, but these are gems worth recording!

IandS said...

So, so funny. I hope we can all get together sometime this year. The 3 little boys would be so fun together.

Maren Hansen said...

your kids always say the funniest things. so random, yet so funny. must be the parental influence...