Friday, April 18, 2008

Babies Having Babies

When Loofa was a baby I remember a cashier at Target muttering under her breath "babies having babies." I didn't think I looked that young. She had no idea:


Maren Hansen said...

i've heard the shout-out from cashiers too. honestly, you'd think i looked 14 when i had Bub. oh, wait, i did! :) still, it drives me crazy to hear people judging me when they have no idea really.

Fee Fee could get some help from Planned Parenthood...

Kim-the-girl said...

I have never heard anything like that... I must look old! Just out of curiosity, is that her real belly or is there something under there?

Kim-the-girl said...

Wasn't quite finished when I posted that one... if there isn't something under there you should definitely try to get money for your malnurished child... she could pass for one of the starving children of Africa (except maybe the skin color...) ;o)

Terra said...

That's so cute. I love that E is "listening" in. Your kids are super funny.