Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why I Don't Like the Sun (and love Oregon)

1. It gives me headaches
2. I can see dust - I really could care less about germs and such; however, if I can see it, touch it or smell it, it must go.

Well, that's about it :)

On another note, poor Loofa has the flu now. It's terrible, but I'm kind of grateful for the decrease in energy it has caused. The sad part is that Loofa will miss out on the Thanksgiving festivities at preschool. They always have such a cute program for that.

Last night I had to change Fefe's jammers after she had gone to bed because Ephant had put her to bed in summer pajamas. When I went in to get her in the morning, she was wearing only her diaper (thank goodness she still had that on). I guess she didn't like the change.

I also saw New Moon last night. It was much better than Twilight. The actor they've chosen for Edward is really really terrible. I've grown used to Bella and can mostly accept her now, but I'm starting to cringe at any scenes with Robert Pattison. It's really sad. Why can't casting directors recognize the fact that movies like this are mostly driven by who they choose?

Brother B wanted to see New Moon too. I tried to tell him it was just a romance. We'll see what he thinks when it comes out on DVD. I have a feeling he'll be very bored.

Tomorrow we get to go in and take Fefe's stitches out. I'll have to get a picture of them before then.

The saddest thing ever happened yesterday. I noticed some railroad workers in the back earlier, but didn't think much of it. In the afternoon I opened the gate to blow some leaves back and couldn't believe my eyes. THEY RIPPED OUT ALL THE BLACKBERRY VINES! Wahhhh!!! Next years harvest will be non-existent. I'm sure they'll come back and they really did need some pruning, but still. I haven't told Ephant yet, she'll probably cry.

I sent my power supply in yesterday so I won't have access to my desktop till the new one gets here. That means I don't have access to files, photography stuff, word processing and many more things. Hopefully it won't take long. This does mean that my picture a day will have to take a temporary hiatus.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


IandS said...

NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Not the blackberry bushes!!!!!

Jocelyn said...

That is sad about the blackberries. I'll cry with E.

Maren Hansen said...

That's a bummer, but seriously, there are millions of those bushes in the PNW--you just need to find another patch till yours grows back... Sorry about Loofah; mini-me was also sick and missed her feast today... :(