Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Yep, that's me. Wednesday night, my Kenmore Calypso broke down on the first load of many loads needing to be done. My parents were coming in the next evening and I wanted that wash done! So I proceeded to pull out the washer and try and fix the problem. I was up till 3:30am, but I figured out the problem and took out the offending part. I ended up moving the washer out to the deck because every time it was tipped over massive amounts of water came out (the water pump was clogged). I couldn't have moved it out there without my lovely furniture sliders (thanks Marv!).

Thursday morning I ran into Portland to pick up the new part, a water pump and motor (stupid whirlpool won't let you buy the pump separate anymore). Once I got the part in, I hooked up the washer to the outdoor hose and gave it a test whirl. I was so happy when it worked I did a little victory dance on my deck.

I still have a small leak to fix, but that has been there forever as far as I can tell so it is not urgent.

I want to thank the following:

1. My hubby for having patience with my obssessiveness
2. The internet
3. Whirlpool - for making a washer I still love even after having to go through this
4. Heavenly Father - for blessing me with a brain and endurance


Jocelyn said...

Wow, good job! I would just get frustrated and we'd probably be doing laundry at Rob's parents' house for a month before fixing it.

Amilkia said...

I'm pretty much mainly impressed with your huge guns. HUGE

Maren Hansen said...

Aren't sliders the bomb??

IandS said...

I have 3 things to say about that:
1. Bravo you!!!!
2. I can't believe you lost out on sleep - it must have been WAY important to you to get it fixed.
and 3. I wish I had seen that victory dance :)

KellyAnne said...

WOW! I was wondering where your husband was during all that. Way to go! Too bad you didn't catch the victory dance on film...! I can picture it though! :)

jjcrew said...

"If only I had a brain!!" How the HECK did you even know what to look for? Did you take "shop" in high school?? I'm amazed beyond words!

Tim and Angie said...

You are super woman! I'm impressed with your many skills.

Kim-the-girl said...

That really is amazing! Way to go you!