Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All Brother B wants for Christmas

I wouldn't ordinarily post about lost teeth, but Brother B sounds so dang cute with his lisp right now. His other top front is about to come out too. Once that does, he's going to get the labial frenulum snipped by the dentist. That is the muscle between the top lip and gum. His is too tight and has the potential to make his teeth really crooked. The dentist wants to do it when both the top front teeth are out, I guess that makes it easier somehow.


Jocelyn said...

Sounds fun. Join the dental surgery club I guess.

Maren Hansen said...

he can join dombas club. we're starting to worry because her incisors are moving into the gap since her front teeth STILL haven't come in!

IandS said...

He still looks handsome.
I could barely read about the frenulum snipping, my toes were clenched SO tight. Needless to say, I am DREADING the whole losing of teeth thing with my own kids :(