Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Baptism

After a hectic previous day (Fabulous Friday aka Super Saturday), the day of Brother B's baptism was actually fairly peaceful. I picked up his suit pants from the dry cleaners after letting them alter the pants (I tried, I really did). He looked so handsome wearing his new suit. I'm so proud of him for making this choice. It went surprisingly smooth with how many other kids that were baptized (6 in total).

We were worried there wouldn't be enough suits, but there were. J was going to wear his temple clothes to baptize Brother B, but Brother B wanted him to match. So here they are in their matching jumpsuits :)

It was great to have my parents there! After the baptism we all went over to Aunt J's for another great dinner. It is so nice of her to always provide this service for us. It certainly made it easier on me with everything else going on.

I sure love my Brother B!


Maren Hansen said...

He does look EXCELLENT in his suit!! Funny you should mention that Jacob wanted to wear his temple clothes--why? He looks so studly in the super baggy pantsuit w/shiny buttons... ;)

IandS said...

Great choice Brother B!!! We wish we could have been there.
And now tell us what you did for Fabulous Friday...

jjcrew said...

Waaaay cute picture of you and your boy! Secondly, where did you get your dress? It reminds me of the one I bought (similar color too), then shrank after I washed it, but only cuter!!