Thursday, November 19, 2009

A History of Pain

Last spring when I was training for the 10k, my knees started hurting pretty badly. I finally started wearing my orthotics regularly in hopes that would help. They didn't. I pushed through it though because I really wanted to run the race. I took about a week off afterwards hoping that would help. Over the course of the summer my left knee stopped hurting, but my right knee became progressively worse. It got to the point I finally contemplated taking a big break. At that point I went down for my brother's wedding so I had a two week break. I visited the internet doctor and figured out that my problem stemmed from my IT band. When I got back I bought a Patt Strap and foam roller. Combined with some ibuprofen I made it through the Run for Sight with minimal pain. After that though my knee continued to worsen so I decided it was time for the big break. A couple weeks into that, my hip started hurting. At that point I made an appt with the chiropractor. I've been seeing him for a few weeks now. I get some e-stim therapy and myofascial release combined with (of course) some adjustments. All of this most likely stemmed from the hip problems I had when pregnant with Fefe. He told me at the first that I could still run, but I needed to keep my mileage low. I finally ran for the first time yesterday and it HURT. So, when I went in today he told me that along with hip tendinitis, I also have knee tendinitis. Because of that, I'm not allowed to run until all the pain is gone. I'm very frustrated because running is by far my favorite way to exercise. I'm going to start swimming again until I can run. It'll probably be a few months till it is healed. He also said that my tendons are permanently weakened because of this so I'll have to wear the strap every time I run for the rest of my life. Arrghh. The lesson we should all take from this is to not ignore pain.


IandS said...

I'm sorry - that sucks so bad!!!!!
I think runners put their body through a lot and are really prone to injury. I know a lot of the ladies on the forum I post on are always talking about IT bands and foam rollers. One lady (who runs marathons and does Iron Man Competitions) uses a foam roller after lots of her runs just to loosen things up after so much exersion. Lots of runner also cross train with either biking or pilates or lifting. I have to say that this last session of running (in between pregnancies) I had a lot less injury and I think it was because I added in more (low weight) lifting.

Maren Hansen said...

That'll learn you for following Dad's favorite aphorism: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I remember him quoting that to me all the time as a kid. Actually, I like it, but I guess it shouldn't apply to continuing exercise-induced pain... :( Hope it gets better soon.

jjcrew said...

So what's my excuse? You were only 2 minutes behind me in the 10K and I didn't have the myriad of knee and hip pain issues you did. Go you! But it is time to stop. You're a great swimmer too. That'll strengthen you in other ways until you're ready to start runnin' again.

Tim and Angie said...

I'm so sorry! It's amazing what children do to our bodies. I hope everything gets better for you soon.