Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weddings Aren't for the Faint of Heart

Actually this was probably the easiest one I've been too since it was my brother and not a sister getting married. Brides really do have it the hardest.

Friday we went to the beach to fulfill J's dream of going when the weather is actually nice. Fefe didn't cooperate though. We played in the waves for about 1/2 hour before she decided she had enough. I took her and Brother B back to the car while J stayed for a bit longer. It was definitely not all that though. We did remember sunblock at least.

That evening was the wedding dinner. Dad made pulled pork, his specialty. Sadly, my stomach decided to act up that night so I wasn't able to fully enjoy it. We went to Aunt L's house for the festivities. Probably the biggest event was when we discovered a ginormous spider in the backyard. I didn't have my camera so no pictures.

The wedding was at noon on Saturday so we were able to somewhat take our time getting ready. I tried curling Fefe's hair, but it was impervious. It is so different from Ephant's hair. All the kids looked so cute though. I bought the boys matching shirts and ties so they matched pretty well together.

The only way we could get Fefe in this picture was to let her hold her sippy cup and blankie.

Aunt A's fake family.

It was very gratifying and special to see my brother's sealing. I am so happy for him and love his new wife. Aunt A was kind enough to watch the kids during the ceremony and she somehow managed to survive.

Typical Dad look.

Weddings are tiring.

She would not hold still!


Your life has only just begun, ha ha ha ha!!!!

Fefe loves her water.

Gotta show off the shoes.

Loofa's favorite part of the reception was the large jars of candy.

More water.

Dad offered to hide his car. Guess he should have.


Kim-the-girl said...

Your family picture is FABULOUS!!!! You guys look so good! That car is hilarious.

Maren Hansen said...

That pic of Chris turning and smiling is WAY cute. I may have to snag that one for my blog.