Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Odds and Ends

After the wedding we did a marathon drive back up to Oregon. We were sick and tired of hotels by then. We arrived at around 1am Sunday night and sent the kids off to school on Monday morning. They all slept in the car so they were fine. I was in a fog that whole day though. It took a few days to recover from that one. The kids have all started off their school year well. Ephant and Brother B seem to have decent teachers. Ephant was excited to find out her friend down the street is going to Fern Hill this year. Loofa is loving preschool particularly since his friend is with him. When we first took him, we couldn't leave until his friend arrived. He's already had a fun field trip to the fire station.

Aren't they cute?


IandS said...

A trip to the firestation sounds WAY cool for pre-schoolers.

Maren Hansen said...

Cute. I love the pic of him holding the hose.