Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trouble with a Capital T

Fefe is having the hardest time adjusting to her toddler bed of all the kids. She's the first one to share a room with another sibling during that transition. At first she kept taking really short naps and then would come and cry at her door. She's gotten better about that, but she still wakes up early in the morning and tries to sleep with Ephant. Half the time Ephant doesn't even notice and when we come in to wake them up she has no idea Fefe was next to her. The other half we have to go in there and resettle Fefe. I think she's close to learning, but it sure has been frustrating.

Our other issue has been how obsessed she is with taking her diaper off. She really wants to imitate her older siblings and use the potty. It is especially funny when she imitates the boys. One time she was in the bathroom with Loofa. He told me I needed to see Fefe. I told him just a minute, but to get her out of the bathroom. Next thing I know she's screaming bloody murder. Then she comes running around the corner completely naked yelling, "pee, pee!". I guess she really wanted to use the potty. I brought down the training potty for her to play with and I might get her some pull-ups, but I'm really not ready to train her. It takes so much more work at this age and I'm more in favor of them being old enough to be completely self sufficient in it.


Kim-the-girl said...

Potty training at that age is more parent potty trained and less kid potty trained. I hate having to take my kids to the toilet every hour or more...

IandS said...

We lasted less than 24 hours with F - needless to say, we are waiting until after our trip at Christmas.

Maren Hansen said...

Bad baby. Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll potty-train herself like Domba did. I sure hate potty-training. Ash is potty-training herself. I had to give up after having the baby, but she is slowly just doing it herself. Good kid!

jjcrew said...

Wish I had the-child-obsessed-with potty-problem!