Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I realized about halfway through our vacation that my wedding ring was missing. I'm not the type of person that takes me ring off to wash dishes or put on lotion. Plus my joints are big enough that it is not going to just slip off. I know I had it on Fefe's b-day and I noticed it missing on September 6th so somewhere during that week it vanished. I've been racking my brain trying to think if I took it off to play with, but can't remember. I'm guessing it's pretty much a lost cause at this point. In some ways it is like a ghost limb. I still feel like it is there.


IandS said...

Still no luck? - that would have bothered me my whole vacation. I hope it turns up soon.

Maren Hansen said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. That is irreplacable. I hope you find it. I'll send a few prayers your way. On a less important side, Ash had a bracelet made for her when she was a newborn that she wore all the time. (It was a very nice bracelet, might I add, that could go in the bath, etc) I prayed and prayed to find it when she I realized one day it was gone. No luck. Then when we moved and I had pulled down the crib and was vacuuming, I just missed sucking it. I guess some prayers are answered on their own time... I'm just grateful I didn't vacuum it.

jjcrew said...

Still missing?? Hmm, Jacob needs to get you a new one!! And if the other shows up how about "Cash for Gold?" ;)