Thursday, June 18, 2009

Back to the Grind

The kids only had 3 1/2 days left of school when we got back home. I don't think they did any serious school work those days. There were various field days, picnics at the park and general partying. The kids both had cute little graduations in their classrooms on Thursday. Ephant's teacher in particular went all out with her presentation. I really liked both their teachers this year.

On Saturday, the 13th, I ran my first 10k. I was somewhat nervous because I barely ran in May. I've stubbornly refused to time myself or push myself so I knew I was not going to do that well. I survived though. Jenn passed me up about 2 miles into it and did amazing. They had a half marathon going on at the same time. Those people totally blow me away. The first marathoner even finished before I was done. This week I've been pushing myself alot more. I've finally been wearing my watch. I can do a ten minute mile right now, although today it felt like my calf was about to tear away from my bone. I iced it for awhile and took some ibuprofen and it hasn't bothered me since then. It is amazing how easy it is to injure yourself running. Someday maybe I'll do a half marathon, just not anytime soon. I love doing 5ks.

The kids are really enjoying this first week of summer vacation. Ephant found a couple girls up the street, that I approve of, to play with. They spend most of the day going back and forth between houses. Brother B has a friend that lives fairly close too that we need to work on getting in touch with. Today they rode their bikes to the aquatic center all by themselves. I was pretty nervous to let them do it. I know they are old enough, I was doing that sort of thing younger than them, but nonetheless, it is still scary. They made it though and had a great time. I'm going to get a membership for them so they can go whenever they want. Next week E and B start tennis lessons. We just have a few short activities for them. I didn't want to load the summer up too much so they can have free time to do what they want. Playgroup for church is going to rotate around all the parks in town, which should be alot of fun.


Jacob J said...

I feel bad we didn't come get pictures of the 10k. Maybe we could use one of the pictures from the 5k with a caption that says "Finishing the 10k"?

Kim-the-girl said...

Way to go running a 10k! You are awesome, slow or fast, you are awesome!

JandS Morgan said...

Or I could put up my illegal screen capture of the proofs. I look like I'm about to die though, it is definitely not attractive.

IandS said...

Good job on the 10k AND the 10 minute miles. I think 10 minute miles are a great accomplishment and it really feels easier quickly after that.
We should run when we are there in August, you'll have to take it easy on me though as I am only running 3.5 miles right now. I may be up to 4 or 5 by the time we come.

JandS Morgan said...

No worries, I'm only running 4 miles at a time right now.