Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Happened to Spring Break?

This has got to have been the least momentous spring break ever.  We started out the week with a poor sick Fefe.  Monday I cleaned my bathrooms.  Tuesday I detailed the inside of my van (I have this crazy obsession with making it look brand spanking new a couple times a year - made easier by my lovely spotbot).  

Wednesday we drove around for an hour in the morning trying to replicate the power steering noise that needs fixing.  The van was then in the shop till Thursday.  This complicated the trip to the doctors office with Brother B on Thursday for a variety of ailments.  Luckily J could stay home that day.  It was quite a relief to pick up the van that afternoon.  I have to take it back in on Monday to get the actual repair done, but they at least figured out what has to happen.  Sad that it took two days.  Thursday night I stayed up till 2:30am trying to figure out how to get my monitor to display my pictures correctly.  My pictures have been consistently underexposed from costco so I finally decided something had to be done.  After all that, I called my expert photographer friend who told me she just holds the print up to the screen to calibrate.  No fancy software or hardware.  

Friday we headed out to get some long needed shopping done.  After driving an hour to the running shoe store, I realized that I forgot my orthotics.  Then we headed to Toys R Us to do something about the money burning a whole in Ephant's pocket.  After walking around the whole store she realized there was nothing worth buying and decided to save up her money for an Ipod Nano.  Then it was off to Costco to pick up my first correctly exposed picture.  I also caved and bought Photoshop Elements.  I've been using Paintshop Pro forever, but it doesn't have everything I want.  Someday, if I'm feeling rich, I'll buy CS4.  Friday night we watched Short Circuit for movie night.

Saturday morning I had the joy of attending a two hour training by our Area 70 on ward missionary work.  Afterwards I met Jenn for lunch at the Mad Greek. Mmmmm, Gyros....  The only downside was the onion breath for the next few hours. While I was gone J drove the kids into Portland to pick up some Cherry Ply for the bathroom cabinet he is redoing.  

The best part of the week has been taking pictures with my second flash.  Here are some samples:

I think the kids were all relieved when I packed up the gear this evening.  I have to take a break so I can focus on our Relief Society B-day dinner this Wednesday and a baby shower this Friday.  I really need to take a class someday, but hopefully with all this practice I won't get too lost when I finally do.


Kim-the-girl said...

I had other things I was going to say, but can't remember what they were after all those awesome pictures! You are doing a great job!

Maren Hansen said...

Love E's attitude... Nice solarizing. I love the effects in PSE.

Jocelyn said...

Ahhhh, the pig tails are so adorable on Fefe! Ephant is startign to get so grown up!