Sunday, March 22, 2009

Song Time

One of our big events this week was the Obama Love Fest...  I mean spring concert at the elementary school.  It was a patriotic theme and quite a few of the songs had to do with how great Obama was.  One line said "now the future is looking bright".  Tell that to the 53% of the country that thinks we are about to hit the great depression.  Besides the blatancy, the kids did great.  Brother B sang more than I've ever seen him sing and he seemed to enjoy it more than usual.  Ephant was her typical dramatic self and loved every minute of it.

1.  OBAMA (to the tune of Bingo)
2.  Hail to the Chief (preceded by Obama Love)
3.  Rap of the Presidents (Yes we can!)


Kim-the-girl said...

WOW! They did a great job! I LOVE watching Ephant perform... B was great too! I can't believe all the obama stuff, what happened to patriotic songs like Grand Old Flag? Too bad we missed the big bow, but I love theway Loofa snuck his way into this post... :D

Maren Hansen said...

Ha, ha, ha. I love that everyone is ready to pedestal Obama and he hasn't even really done anything yet. Don't you love how everyone else likes to raise your kid the way they think is best? ;)