Thursday, December 11, 2008


As Jacob mentioned, I was sick for about a week and a half.  I had alot of church stuff too so if I wasn't sitting around then I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  We had our Christmas enrichment on December 3rd.  I thought it went really well.  I get pretty nervous with the responsibility of entertaining 60 some odd people.  We turned out to have the perfect amount of food though and everyone seemed to enjoy the program.  

The following Sunday I had to teach an RS lesson.  I was on my death bed at that point, but after 3 months of planning I couldn't bear to not teach.  I skipped the rest of church that day, but came in to teach.  I was pretty happy with how well that lesson went too.  My topic was judging others and I found a really good talk from Elder Oaks on the topic.

The kids are really enjoying the Christmas season so far.  Loofa keeps getting excited about each step.  He was extremely excited to get the Christmas tree.  The kids decorated it on Tuesday night.  I finally purchased new lights because I'm so tired of one color not working on my current lights.  I bought some of the new LED lights.  They are pretty neat although I sorta of wish they didn't have the purple lights.  I love huge Christmas trees, but this year I might have gone a little too far.  It's great that good Christmas trees are so easy to find here.  I don't think we'll dare put presents under the tree till we hit Christmas though with the Fefinator in the house.

Loofa has been our latest sick casualty.  The other day he said "I'm feeling a better, but I still have a little beaver".  We might get his hearing tested at his 4 year appt next week.  He constantly says "What did you say?" .  I'm pretty sure he is just saying that because he's not paying attention or is distracted, but with how often he does it it is worth looking into.

Ephant is really excited about the school holiday celebrations.  Her classroom is studying Swedish traditions.  They are going to put on a play and she wants to be St. Lucia.  They are doing a drawing to determine who plays her so she may or may not get the part.

Brother B's class is studying Israel.  He sings the dreidel song constantly.  I'm glad he is enjoying it.  He told us he wanted to celebrate Hanukah the other day, I think he decided that when he heard about opening presents each day.

Both he and Ephant are doing really well in school.  Ephant was tested for the TAG program again and passed both the reading and math portions.  Brother B is at the top of his class in everything as well.  He's very responsible with getting his homework done too.  Ephant has always been quite forgetful with her's, but Brother B does it on his own most of the time.

Last night we went over to Aunt J's to eat Gone With the Wind for her birthday, but she had to dash out since someone in the ward just died.  Now I get to help out with another funeral next week.


Jocelyn said...

Very pretty tree! Were the LED lights expensive?

Kim-the-girl said...

Who died? Anyone I know? Aside from that, it sounds like you are having a great season. I'm not really in the festive spirit yet. Maybe its because we're driving to Utah before Christmas now, so we don't have decorations or anything at our house.