Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas

Snow was predicted for the weekend, but I was starting to doubt it when we woke up to no snow this morning.  However, while getting ready for church, the snow started to fall.  Luckily, it was cold enough to actually stick.  It built up a good amount during church so as soon as we came home the kids threw on their snow clothes and ran outside.  I think Brother B last the longest, about 1/2 hour.  Fefe wasn't totally sure what to think of it.  She was interested, but also slightly disturbed.

Loofa followed me outside and for some reason thought it would be fun to lay in the street and do a snow angel with no coat.  He was okay at first, but then realized how cold he was.

School has already been cancelled.  It isn't snowing anymore, but we'll have a fair amount of ice tomorrow due to freezing temperatures.  I'm sure if this was Utah that school wouldn't be cancelled, but this IS Oregon.  If we still have enough left tomorrow we are planning to go sledding.


Kim-the-girl said...

Jenn's ward got cancelled after Sacrament meeting... it must have been really cold! It looks beautiful! I wonder if it will snow here this year, it usually does at least once a year from what I've heard... I don't know if I'll be heartbroken if it doesn't. :)

Maren Hansen said...

Boo-tee-ful! Love the pic of Loofah bawling... And you managed to get Fefe's look of confusion just perfect! We were supposed to get snow this weekend and it never happened. The kids are very disappointed because it's warmed back up (which I like!)...

Jocelyn said...

Ahhahaha, Loofa's face is awesome. Yeah, Rob tells me our school district doesn't cancel school unless it's literally 3 feet on the ground. And even then, they may still cancel buses but not school.