Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cabin Fever

Well, the snow continues.  It now looks like the kids are getting an extra week of Christmas vacation.  I don't mind too much.  It is an adjustment to have all of four of them home constantly, but since the troublemaker is Loofa, it is not a big adjustment.  Loofa decided to a little crazy on Tuesday.  Of course it is always when I decide to take a nap.  At one point he came upstairs and asked if he could use a marker.  Little did I know that on the way down he would decide to use it on the banister, downstairs wall and door.  At some point he also decided his hair needed a trim and snipped off a few chunks up top.

In other news, the boy is partially deaf.  Before you get too worried though, it is most likely due to fluid in his ear.  I'm glad we weren't wrong though about him having a problem.  His pediatrician said they don't put tubes in ears anymore if it is just one ear affected so I guess we just continue to deal with "Whadyasay" for a while longer.  His tonsils are enlarged, which could mean enlarged adenoids, which themselves can cause the fluid problem.  We are supposed to listen if he has apnea episodes when he snores.  If he does he'll need to see an ENT.  He seemed fine when I listened to him last night, but we'll keep an eye on him.

Since we were tired of sitting around the house we decided to venture out today.  The roads really aren't terrible to drive on as long as you are slow and think ahead.  We ate lunch with J since it has been awhile.  The kids were excited to see the workplace, especially the break room with the Foosball table.  Brother B especially liked it since he doesn't remember what it looked like from when we've visited before.  In the afternoon we built a couple snowmen and a snow fort since the snow is less powdery now.  Ephant hid behind the fort so she could pelt J when he got home from work.  It warmed up enough to rain tonight, but it is supposed to cool down and freeze again the next few days.  I'm enjoying it, snow has always seemed so magical to me.


Kim-the-girl said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it. Having Bryant home an extra week would be hard for me... something about all 3 of them together is trouble with a capital T. That is so interesting that Loofa is partially deaf, what kind of screening did they do for that?

Jocelyn said...

Our snow continues and so does school. Sigh, at least we only have one more day after today. What a pest boy.

JandS Morgan said...
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Maren Hansen said...

You put Loofah's real name in your last comment... Might wanna change that. On another note, is totally deaf now after you boxed his ears? If not, you might want to clear that up (no pun intended...) :) What a bad boy! He looks like he's grown a lot lately, lost of the baby chub--super cute. Must be how he's survived this long... :)

JandS Morgan said...

They had a bunch of pictures on a page that Loofa was supposed to point at while listening to some earphones. It would get progressively quieter and just did one ear at a time.