Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Sidetrip Through Pennsylvania

Thursday morning we headed up to New York City. On the way, J wanted to see the place his family lived for a year in Pennsylvania. It wasn't exactly on the way, but close enough for it not to be a big deal. Driving there did turn out to be a bit of an expensive proposition with all the tolls we had to pay. Talk about nickel and diming. There was no where to eat along the way either. I've never seen such a dearth of fast food restaurants. We stopped one place to get gas and just bought the kids some drinks and pretzels. The lady at the checkout was wondering how we could afford to have 4 kids. I understand how she feels with how much everything cost out there.

We managed to find our destination easily (thanks again to my iphone). J's dad went to Lehigh University for a year so the whole family came with and lived in the student family housing (all 8 of them). And you thought your housing situation was bad! Can you believe the name of the road?

J took the kids for a tromp through the woods while I took Fefe to find a bathroom. He really enjoyed his trip through memory lane.

Pennsylvania was gorgeous, particularly between Bethlehem and New York. Very green, rolling hills. I love how green it is out here, but it would be nice to have more deciduous trees.

1 comment:

Maren Hansen said...

Pennsylvania is really pretty. My main complaint is the amount of snow and cold they get in the winter...