Monday, November 8, 2010

Just Some News

After I made my bed one morning I came in and saw Fefe had tucked one of her polly pockets in nice and snug. She sure loves those dolls.

Our cold summer turned into a very nice fall - or Indian summer.

It was nice to play in dry leaves for once.

Fefe loves her little creepy crawlies. I don't think they love her though.

I'd been considering giving Fefe bangs for awhile. She inherited J's high forehead so I thought there was a good possibility they would look decent on her. Bangs look terrible on me so I usually avoid them. It has been so nice to not have to put her hair up every morning. I think she looks pretty cute. Ephant decided she wanted some at the same time. I was nervous about how they'd look on her, but with her big eyes it balances them out.


IandS said...

It surprises me how blonde Fefe is everytime I see pics of her. I thought that all those things on her arm were bugs and had to enlarge the pic to find out that they were tattoos *phew*

Maren Hansen said...

She's adorable and I know have confirmation that she's Ash's "favorite cousin"... :)