Saturday, November 20, 2010


We had a great soccer season this fall. It was Brother B's third year and Loofa's first year. Both of them were amazing and essential to their teams (as we found out after they missed two games due to our vacation). Brother B was very good at focusing his attention and going after the ball. Loofa was very aggressive, whereas most of the other kids on his team seemed too intimidated to really get up close. I think the soccer camps I had him take the last couple of summers really helped. Most of all, they both had fun.

I took this video with my iphone so not the best quality. That is him making the goal at the end. I tried to take the audio out of this one, but if I messed up and it comes through I apologize for my yelling. It was very exciting.

Again, not the best quality. Brother B's soccer award this year was a giant cookie. Nice.

1 comment:

Maren Hansen said...

Ha, ha, the other kids where probably scared of Loofah...