Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Brother B!

Our Halloween was jampacked as usual because of Brother B's birthday.  It was pretty dang tiring, but we had a lot of fun.  When we woke up I made French Toast as requested.  Then it was off to school.  At lunchtime we went to the school to have our happy meals.  I tried out J's diet of eating the kid's leftovers.  It was a pretty filling lunch :)  It was fun to see who Brother B's friends are.  Of course I think he attracted a few more than usual due to the Happy Meal.  He's still a pretty quiet kid, but seems to have quite a few friends anyway.  After lunch we ran home and I finished getting dressed in my Halloween costume.  I tried curling my hair for it, but that fell out within 1/2 hour.  Very frustrating.  Right before school ended we went back to the school with Brother B's birthday treats.  Ephant helped me wrap the presents when we got back home then everyone got in their Halloween costumes.  The kids probably hate me now because we did quite a lot of picture taking again.  I was so wrapped up in it that we spaced Ephant's piano lessons.  As soon as J got home we headed over to the church for the trunk or treat.  This was the warmest Halloween we've had in awhile so the house to house trick or treating wasn't too painful.  I think we did more of that than we've ever done.  The kids certainly got plenty of candy.  Once we got back home it was time to unwrap presents, eat pizza, play with the new toys and have some birthday brownies with ice cream.  

I don't know how Brother B will feel about it when he gets older, but I think it is really fun to have his birthday on Halloween.

His favorite presents were the Lego sets, the marshmallow shooter from Aunt Marv and the super fun card from Grandma and Grandpa W.

During the evening, Drake showed us some guitar skills while J taught him some more:


Terra said...

You guys sure know how to have fun. I'm glad you had a great Halloween!

Kim-the-girl said...

I wish we could have seen you all decked out! I miss you! I think I'll call you today...

IandS said...

Happy Birthday Brother B. It looks like you all had a fun/busy day.
BTW - how is the running going? I just started again but am running on the treadmill since I has to go to work so early and doesn't get home until late. I really prefer running outside.

IandS said...

Holy Cow - at a glance I thought that was Slade playing the guitar.

IandS said...

I like the new look of the blog. You'll have to email me and tell me how to do the pictures at the side.