Thursday, November 6, 2008

Loofa's Dream

Sometimes it surprises me how well Loofa remembers his dreams and then I start wondering how much he made up.  Regardless, here is our conversation this morning:

Loofa "I dreamed about a rocket."
Me "Did you get to ride on it?"
Loofa "Yes, I rode it to a store."
Me "What store was it?"
Loofa "It was the Halloween store!"
Me "What did you get?"
Loofa "I got a new Batman costume, and I wasn't even crying!"
Me "Do you usually cry in your dreams?"
Loofa "Yes, I usually do cry in my dreams."


Josh Corey said...

I cry in my dreams too... jk, actually last night I had a dream that I was looking for somewhere to change my clothes. I really needed to change them, but everywhere I went there was someone there and I couldn't get any privacy and it was really bugging me. Yeah, it was funny.

Amilkia said...

Does he cry because you discipline him so well?

Kim-the-girl said...

He's such a funny kid... I think mine make up dreams as they tell them. I really like your new background, but I can't see the cute kiddos pictures at the bottom... only Ephant and part of brother b.

Jacob J said...

That's funny Josh, last night I dreamed I was looking for someONE to change my clothes.

Amilkia, no, that is definitely not it.

Kim, you need a bigger screen.

Jocelyn said...

Wow, that sounds so familiar. I have always had the weirdest dreams and Rob doesn't believe me when I describe them to him. He thinks I make it up.

Tim and Angie said...

That's funny. Lydia is quite the dreamer too. Usually nightmares. I hear her crying in the night often. She gets that from me, but Tim believes me because usually I end up screaming and running out of the room in the middle of the night. That or I make him get up and turn on the light to make sure there really are no spiders in the bed.

Amilkia said...

I think our whole family has really weird dreams.. No one ever beleives mine either

Maren Hansen said...

I dreamt Derek was going to divorce me last night. You can tell he's been busy and I haven't seen him much when I start having dreams like that... I think you need to beat Loofah more. That way he won't need to cry in his dreams because he'll be crying in real life enough...