Thursday, November 27, 2008

Love and Love

J surprised me recently with a lovely bouquet of flowers.  I like how he doesn't send them on the standard holidays.  These ones turned out beautifully.  When they first came they were all closed up and the green of the leaves really stood out. Now that they have bloomed the color is amazing.  It is a nice bit of sunshine in our dreary Northwest.  I will say though that this fall has been pretty dry and sunny so far.  Usually it is nonstop rain from November till January, but I swear we've had an equal amount of sunny days.

Fefe discovered the kitty was in the house last night.  She's was surprisingly gentle with him.  Usually she just grabs a handful of fur and tugs (which is why Glen usually hides out in our room when she is awake).  

Daddy and Fefe had a nice cuddle last night too.  J has decided to start running in the evenings and was a tad worn out.  I haven't been doing so well this week.  I was too lazy on Monday and  Wednesday there was a sheet of ice on the roads.  Poor little Fefe was sick most of the week with a fever, but that seemed to break yesterday.  She's still a grumpers, but that might have something to do with the molars that have been coming in over the last month. 

I had to take the van into the mechanic on Monday.  I'm having problems with the power steering and needed the oil changed again.  We rode the bus back after dropping it off and Loofa had a great time making new friends.  He was talking up a storm with the two ladies across the aisle from us.  I'm sure he charmed them quite a bit.  Riding the bus is an adventure for him.  Fefe thought it was pretty fun too and spent most of the ride back babbling.  Sadly the mechanic could not duplicate the problem so I have to take it back in again sometime when I can show them.  It was frustrating because they kept it for a day and a half and never once called me to say they were having trouble.  I feel like I'm missing a leg when I don't have my car for that long.  I usually drive the kids to and from school, but since I had no car they had to ride the bus.  Tuesday morning we missed it and I wasn't sure what to do.  I could have J come home and drive them, call on a friend early in the morning or we could ride our bikes over.  I chose the latter since it would be least intrusive on someone else.  It wasn't too bad.  Ephant and Brother B complained a bit, but by the time we got there, Ephant wanted to ride the bikes back when school was over.  Luckily the rain took that choice away.  It made me think though that it is good to do something like that here and there so they can get a sense for independence from cars and such.

Fefe is finally really walking.  It is her preferred mode of travel with the occasional speed crawl thrown in.  It was sort of nice when she was sick to cuddle with her.  She's usually all over the place so it was nice to just sit there and rock her.  I'm glad to see her up and happy again now though.

My biggest adventure this week was going to see Twilight with some friends.  I was ambivalent about it at first, but after processing it overnight I decided I did like it.  I do want to see it again, but I may just wait for it to come out on DVD.  

Well, time for me to make a pecan pie for Thanksgiving Dinner at Aunt J's.  Maybe I should go on a pre-thanksgiving run.


Maren Hansen said...

You're the first blog I've read that liked Twilight. I've heard from more than one source of whole theatres laughing at special effects, etc. Sorry about the van. So crappy. At least your kids have a bus they can ride. My kids are lazy butts and it would be hard to get them to walk there like they should... I'm about ready to start making them walk anyway. What spurred J's running?

Jacob J said...

What spurred J's running?


Jocelyn said...

So pretty, what kind of flowers are they? I though Twilight was okay other than the guy who played Edward had a whole deer-in-the-headlights look the whole time.

IandS said...

Ooh, I'm gong to see Twilight today - I am pretty excited.

Kim-the-girl said...

I LOVE your updates. I miss you. Sorry about your van, but how cool that they got to ride their bikes to school! Way to go to all of you!

IandS said...

I was pleasantly surprised by Twilight - the cooking scene was by far my favorite - hilarious!
I think that I and J are looking more alike as they are getting older.

Jacob J said...

S from IandS,

Yea, that picture at the bottom does look a lot like Isaac. However, it might just be that we are looking more alike as I stop shaving for weeks at a time :)