Friday, October 12, 2007

E's Schedule

I found a paper on the counter this morning that I had to share. E wrote down a schedule last night for her day today. Enjoy!

8:00 Make sure Mom is awake
8:00 Wake up
8:00 Put on clothes
8:01 Go and get a bar
8:01 Throw raper away
8:02 Eat
8:05 Go and play in the garage
8:10 Start watching tv
9:00 Count to 100
9:30 Skip to 100
9:35 Write to 100
10:00 Write to 100 by five
10:30 Clean my room
11:00 Draw a picture for mom and dad
11:30 Play house with Brigham or checars (not sure what that is)
12:00 Eat lunch, dog dog
12:30 Watch tv
3:30 Piano lessons
3:30 Play handstands and gimnasticks
4:00 Watch tv
5:00 Still watch tv
5:30 Play in garage
6:00 Play
6:30 Eat dinner


JandS Morgan said...

Checars is Checkers

JandS Morgan said...

S, you changed my blogger username. Get your own. I was using it first --J

Maren Hansen said...

ha ha, marital fight on blogger, everyone come watch!!! i especially liked the part where Elle is going to throw away the raper. Why do you keep rapers in your house? :) Adia is constantly writing reminders for herself on our white board. The latest one has been for her to not forget to feed her Webkinz... :)

Jacob J said...

Okay, testing new identity since my previous one was stolen.

Kim-the-girl said...

I love it! I laughed out loud several times, thanks for sharing and good luck with the raper, I hope he doesn't get out of the garbage...