Monday, March 19, 2012


Luke came home from school last Wednesday saying he wanted to catch a leprechaun.  I'm usually not into that kind of effort, but it struck my fancy this time.  So, we looked up traps online and came up with this:

The top is collapsible so when the leprechaun climbed to the top he fell right through.  Luke had all his wishes planned out too: the ability to change the weather to whatever he wants, unlimited money and laser eyes (like cyclops on x-men).  It was pretty funny because it was all he could talk about leading up to St. Patricks Day.  Jacob was a little disturbed that he could even still believe in leprechauns.  I was going to put some chocolate coins in the bottom while they were in bed, but I couldn't find any in the store so I just settled for some Werther's originals. The next day I decided to tell Luke that leprechauns weren't real.

On Sunday, during sacrament meeting he asked me "so, are genie's real?".  I told him no.  This lead to "is Santa Claus real?".  Nope.  "Wait, then who brings us all the candy and stuff?".  We do.  "Easter bunny?".  Yep, not real.  He had a real awakening that day.


Jocelyn said...

Awww, sad! I do this with my class every year, we make traps and then see if they caught anything. It's fun!

Kim-the-girl said...

My kids have asked about some of these things and they won't believe me when I tell them the truth!

IandS said...

WOW! All in one day...awesome!!! LOL!!!!! Last year my kids decided that Santa was real for some bizarro reason. I couldn't persuade Max otherwise even when he walked in on me wrapping his presents. Dang peer pressure!

Jacob J said...

There are worse things to walk in on I guess.

Maren Hansen said...

My kids are obsessed with this since they first learned about them 5 years ago. They steal all my cereal boxes and make a huge mess. Brynn tried double-sided tape this year to get them caught as they walked in... :)

Poor Luke, all of his realities crashing to pieces in one day...