Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Loofa's surgery is scheduled for 2pm on Thursday! Later in the day when I thought it would be, but it should be easier to deal with the other kids in school at that time. Loofa is disappointed that he still has to go to school that day. He thought for sure he would get out of it. Of course, he still might if it snows like they are thinking.

Good news is that I "think" I might have fixed my iphone, at least mostly. We'll have to see if it can hold the cellular connection over the next couple weeks. It has fooled me before. I ordered a $10 dock assembly part off of ebay. It was my last ditch effort. So far so good. The only frustrating thing is that in the process of opening and closing my phone I think I killed the proximity sensor that shuts off the screen when it is at your ear. That is easy enough to work around though. I'm starting to feel like a mechanic. Fix one thing just to break another. Maybe I can repair that too someday when I'm feeling bored. That or just deal with it till I can upgrade :)


Jocelyn said...

Are you sure you shouldn't have majored in engineering in college? :)

IandS said...

It sounds like you're not meant to be an iphone user...
Good luck with Luke's surgery, we'll be thinking of you.

Maren Hansen said...

I heard about a study today that talked about people who are real life addicts of their iPhones. Some even slept with them on their pillows. I think you might qualify... :)