Friday, February 25, 2011

Surgery Day

The kids had a snow day yesterday which was a relief. It was nice to not have to deal with that schedule on top of everything else. They probably could have done just a 2 hour late arrival, but whatever. Loofa, Fefe and I headed to the hospital at 1pm. The roads were nice and clear so we arrived early for our 2pm check in. We didn't have to wait too long in the waiting room before they took us back. The bed had this awesome tv. It swung out on an arm so you could position it wherever you were sitting. Fefe and Loofa curled up on the bed and watched spongebob for the first little bit.

We had about and hour and a half in that room while we waited for the surgery. Thankfully J came partway through. At one point we asked Loofa if he was nervous and he said "what does nervous mean?". Once we explained that to him he said "No" with a very indignant look on his face. I guess we were questioning his honor.

20 minutes before surgery they gave him a medication to calm him. We got some pretty hilarious video of his loopiness. J kept asking him math questions to test his reasoning power. I did get some good cuddles out him while he was under the influence.

The actual surgery only took about 1/2 hour. We weren't allowed to go back right way, not until he had woken up. I guess he was tired, because it took an hour for him to wake up. He was pretty happy to see us. As soon as they rolled the bed in he climbed up and gave me a big hug. He did great with his popsicle and didn't feel sick from the anesthesia. We were able to go home about 20 minutes later.

Loofa didn't have too much pain, but he did wake up alot last night. He claims he doesn't remember doing so though. I felt like I slept only 2 hours even though I went to bed at 10pm. He's been pretty chipper today, even ate some mac and cheese for lunch. He keeps trying to convince me to let him eat a morning bun, but he tried a piece this morning and it hurt. Other than the mac and cheese he's had alot of sugar drinks and popsicles. The doctors weren't exaggerating when they said he'd have bad breath too. Whew, it is nasty. Can't wait for that to go away.


IandS said...

So glad it went well and it sounds like he's recovering pretty easily. I know that feeling of not remembering what happened for a day or so...I'm hoping I didn't say anything incriminating :)
Can't wait to see you all this summer.

Lisa said...

I'm glad everything went well with the surgery and it sounds like everything is starting to look up again! :) Maybe try breath mints??

P.S. We changed our blog address. You might want to update your list. :)

Maren Hansen said...

That pic of him & Fefe cuddling is really cute.

Every time I come out of surgery, I am so mad that they don't let me stay in that nice warm cozy place. It's so annoying to hear them saying my name over and over again. Let me sleep, for crying out loud people!!