Monday, February 7, 2011

Do I Love My IPhone Too Much?

As many of you know, my sweet little 6 year old dropped my iphone into the toilet a month or so ago. Since then it has mostly worked, but I've struggled with reception issues. Everything else works great, but after a day to a week it would start dropping bars. Each time this happened I would open it up again and leave the logic board disconnected from the battery. I don't know why, but this would fix it, albeit temporarily. Yesterday I took it apart again, but it didn't work this time. I spent half this day researching to see if anyone had any bright ideas. I give up though and it hurts. This phone really has become my right arm. I never get lost, I can find McDonalds at the drop of a hat and I can get my email anytime, anywhere. That being said, it somewhat disturbs me how much it bothers me that I can't use it anymore. Have I become too dependent on it? I definitely play solitaire too much. If I really wanted to I could send it into a repair shop and see what they could do. I don't think I will though. I think this could be good for me, to go without for awhile and remind myself what life was like before the Iphone. I do have a cheap little nokia so you can still call me. I can also essentially still use the phone as an ipod touch. Might end up selling it on ebay as such.

The one question I'm pondering is, do I keep my unlimited data plan or do I cancel it and be forced to take the limited plan when/if I get another iphone?

I know, wah wah, but I am crying inside.


Rob said...

In determining whether or not to keep your data plan, look at your usage online. If you regularly exceed the 2GB cap, you might consider keeping it. If not, then you really won't be missing much. For myself, I regularly exceed the 2GB cap so I would keep it. But I know a lot of people that have never even broken 1GB in a months time.

Jacob J said...

What Rob said.

You should almost definitely keep the unlimited plan based on the amount of netflix baby Febes streams to that phone.

jjcrew said...'re asking the wrong person. I think my cell phone has a camera on it, but I've never used it. I do know how to access my voicemail but I've never sent a text because I have blocked that option. In your defense, society has made your dependent on it. That's how I feel when our internet goes down. But that's because I can't do my online banking or correspond with my family or do my calling, which is mostly done via email. It is what it is. Don't beat yourself up too much.

Maren Hansen said...

Don't lose your unlimited plan--it will haunt you the rest of your mortal life. That being said, you do have an addiction that needs to be addressed: Hi, my name is Stephanie, and I'm an iPhone-aholic... :) Seriously, that's probably good you're getting a break from it. You could always put parental controls on it... :)