Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why the Government Sucks!

Yes, I did say suck.

A couple weeks ago I decided to apply for the Amex card from Costco since it has slightly better rewards than my current one. My application was put on hold because they needed proof that my social security # was actually mine. I'm still a tad confused as to why it was necessary, but figured I wanted the card so I would jump the hoops.

The biggest hoop involved going to the SS office and getting a letter from them verifying it is my #. If I had known how long the wait would be, I would not have thought it worth it to get this credit card. I was a little disheartened to see how many people were waiting when we arrived, but our line number was only 4 away from the front. Two of those numbers took 1 1/2 hours to process. We were all hungry and Fefe was exhausted since it was past her naptime. Plus she has this terrible screaming habit that kept manifesting itself. I should have let scream more, maybe we could have gotten a line jump :)

About 20 minutes into the wait, I sent Ephant out to the car to fetch Fefe's blankie. The security guard came over to me and here is our conversation:

Guard: "I don't let kids go out to the parking lot alone."
Me: "Is this a dangerous neighborhood?
Guard: "No, I just don't let kids go out alone."
Me: "She is just fetching something from the car."
Guard: "I know that, I could see the keys. I don't let kids go out alone."
Me: "Is there a law against it?"
Guard: "No."
Me: "Well, I'm okay with it."
Guard: "I don't let kids out alone."
Me: "I'm okay with it!"

Talk about a frustrating conversation. I understand concern, but as soon as I showed no interest in "obeying" him, he should have let it go. One problem is that so many people think Ephant is younger than she is because of her size. She thought it was funny when I told her later.

I was so relieved when we finally got up front. It took us a grand total of 3 minutes to get the letter I needed and head out of there. If I never have to visit that office again, it'll be too soon. Halfway through the wait, I said to Ephant, as loud as I could "This is why I don't want government taking over healthcare!"


Jocelyn said...

This is why I'm waiting as long as possible to go get a new SS card. I remember going when we got married and hated to long wait for 2 people to get stuff.

KellyAnne said...

AMEN!!!! Having experienced being on food stamps during grad school, I never want anything to do with the government ever again. And for the record, my daughter being close in age to yours (isnt' yours older? mine's 8) I don't see any problem with sending her to the car to get something...

Kim-the-girl said...

I wish I could have been there to have a load conversation with you... that would have been fun...

Maren Hansen said...

Well said. I have the same prob w/Adia all the time and it drives me crazy. Snide & judgemental comments, and then rationalizing when I come back with the fact that she's nearly 10. Freaks. It frustrates Adia too... And she's shorter than E...

Amilkia said...

You are your mothers daughter

Jacob J said...

milkia, Ha!

jjcrew said...

Good for you for standing up to that guard. I think his time could have been better spent elsewhere. Are people REALLY that blind to see how horrifically awful nationalized healthcare will be? They have NO IDEA what they're asking for! There's a reason why the Canadian doctor Jared works for, works here in America.