Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jogging Strollers

Yesterday I didn't wake up in time to go running so I decided I would push the kids in the jogging stroller while Brother B rode his scooter. I knew it would be harder than just running by myself, but man, my arms hurt! For some reason, one arm hurt more than the other. This is definitely good incentive to get up in time in the future.

About an hour later, Loofa said "My legs are tired from the stroller. I'm tired from riding in the stroller for that long time." Really.


IandS said...

Oh that's funny :)
I tried jogging wih a jogging stroller (that I borrowed) to see if I wanted to buy one - the conclusion was "NO thanks!". I like my alone time...

Kim-the-girl said...

Whenever I push a stroller one arm works harder than the other... I thought it was because there are no sidewalks here and the road has a slight curve. Too funny that Loofa was so "tired" from your run.

Maren Hansen said...

The arm thing is either the road being curved, or more likely, non-balanced wheels. Good luck balancing them properly--it's almost impossible to do w/out the kind of machine that tire shops have. Poor Loofah, maybe next time you shouldn't be so selfish and think about what he's going through...