Friday, February 20, 2009

What to Do

I barely know what to do with myself now that I'm done burning our home videos.  I have to remember all the things I used to do with the computer before I started that.  Tonight I remembered blogging and facebook.  Mindless timewasters...  Seriously though, this is my journal so it is worth it.

Fefe wore her first dress of spring this last Sunday.  This is the best picture I could get of the little monster.

Brother B's class had their 100 day party today.  They had a family project to create a poster with 100 of one item.  I thought it would be fun to print out 100 different pictures of Brother B.  This is the result.  Supposedly there is a contest for the best poster and I think we might have a good chance.  It is creative and cute in my opinion.  Way better than any class projects I did for myself when I was in school :)

Ephant seems to be having a resurgence in enjoying piano again. I'm not sure what exactly brought it on, but she doesn't complain about practicing and even chooses to do it on her own sometimes.  I told her though that we probably won't do violin next year.  She never practices it and forgets to bring it to school half the time.  When I told her she wouldn't do the violin class next year she asked for a trial period to prove she could do well with it.  Well, she didn't, but I haven't broken that news to her yet.  Her main reason for wanting to continue it was because her friend is thinking she'll do it next year.  Not a good enough reason for me.

I realized today why Spring Cleaning happens.  The sun comes out and you see how dirty your house is.  I've been doing some intense cleaning because of that.  I just wish it would last.  It is amazing how quickly four kids can erase all signs of a freshly vacuumed room.  It also doesn't help when Fefe keeps finding cough drops around the house and leaves sticky handprints everywhere when she realizes it does not actually taste like candy.

I have to ask for some advice.  Loofa has been having leg cramps periodically at night for a while now.  I can't really put a time frame on it, but it has been happening more frequently.  He is pretty inconsolable, but does better once I give him ibuprofen.  He eats terribly so I'm wondering if his body needs some type of vitamin so I'm going to do my best to give him vitamins on a regular basis.  If any of you have more ideas, please share.


Maren Hansen said...

My advice for Loofah: cut his legs off! Permanent, fool-proof solution! :)

I am getting desperate w/my house. It's disgusting all the time and I have no energy or feel too sick to clean it. Wanna come be my maid for a weekend?... :) Never mind, you'd be sickened and beg to leave immediately... :)

Jocelyn said...

I wish I had to the time to do spring cleaning. My house is terrible. You can clean it when you come visit!

I don't know what is causing Loofa's leg cramps, but I myself have had problems for the last few years (since I got married, go figure!) with waking up in the middle of the night with a charlie horse in a leg. I have never had any charlie horse in my life before now. I have no idea what causes them but if I rub the leg and try doing some stretches, it goes away after a half hour or so. I don't know how related that is to Loofa's though.

Kim-the-girl said...

When I'm pregnant I get cramps in my legs in the middle of the night all the time... I've heard two reasons for it; 1)need more potassium, 2)need more calcium. I love the spring dress... I need to get Eliza some...

Tim and Angie said...

I've heard potassium could help too. Also applying heat with a heat pad or rice bad might help. I've been cleaning too but mainly because weird dirt clods in the corners are just something else that makes me gag.

RBent said...

My kids all go through times when they get leg pains. I always assumed it was growing pains. Usually I warm up heating pad (the kind with rice in it) and they put it where it hurts, seems to help.

Don't know how to get rid of them though.

jjcrew said...

Nothing to share but I LOVE your poster of 100 Brigham's. Soooooooooo creative! A+ in my book!