Friday, October 17, 2008

Lesser Known Milestones

Fefe has successfully navigated into the "open up and dump it everywhere" stage.  Somedays I just follow her around the house from mess to mess.  The funniest is when she sits there looking away from the object of attention and just blindly dumps stuff out.  I'm sure it is part boredom and part exploration. On the legit milestone front she is still NOT walking.  We managed to get her to take a few steps again the other day, but it is not sticking.  Since then she just gets mad at us when we try to make her walk even holding our hands.  I guess she'll do it when she wants.  She is talking earlier than the other kids so I guess that makes up for it.  It is such a change from Ephant and Brother B because they were both so speedy in all their physical milestones.  I guess that helps to make each one of them unique.


Jocelyn said...

So cute! I think Luke is teaching her the bad stuff.... :)

Kim-the-girl said...

Well, Levi is STILL not really talking, so at least she's happy! :)

IandS said...

I call it the "search and destroy" mode:)which F is still in:(

Maren Hansen said...

Ha ha, I hate that mode. Even the older kids go through those stages when they've been gone for a long time. The day after we came home this summer, they literally dumped like EVERY toy in the basement out and played with it...

Tim and Angie said...

She would probably be making even more messes if she could walk. Maybe it's a good thing. Funny how we worry so much over the milestones with our first, and just know they'll happen soon enough with the rest.

Terra said...

Fun stage! Paul was like that too where all he did was dump things, not look at or play with anything.
Great deck too. Nice work.