Friday, February 1, 2008


Whenever I tell L he is a bad boy, he says "I'm not a bad boy, I'm L".

The swelling has gone down on his gums and he is not complaining as much when he eats now. It'll be several years till we know the full impact, but he does seem to have avoided an abcess, which is a blessing.

I've been switching P over to regular formula ever so slowly the last few weeks. Sadly it was all for nought. She got constipated today and was not happy. I don't think it is due to an allergy, her doctor thinks she just has a slow digestive system. So, I'm going to give her the regular formula and also some milk of magnesia to help her along till she is older. I was really enjoying having a medication free baby, but at least this one isn't a prescription.

We went to the library yesterday and signed E up for her first library card. She's pretty excited. I even showed her how to order books online. She is turning into quite the little reader. I ended up buying her an Led booklight so she can read in bed while the boys are falling asleep. We went to Costco the other day and bought a mattress so we could put her other bed together in P's room. She's not quite ready to move in yet though. Both she and B don't really want to be separated. B asked why he and E couldn't continue to share a room and have L move in with P. I told him we are going to have a girl's room and a boy's room. Poor kids. They've been sharing a room for over 3 years now so they are going to miss each other. I think E won't get quite as much comfort out of sharing a room with a baby, but she is excited to be with her eventually.


Kim-the-girl said...

That is sad about the room changing...but they'll get over it soon enough. Better now and have them sad about it, than later when they can't stand each other! ;o)

Cam said...

I enjoy checking your blog out too, I'm quite fascinated with the blogging world! It's fun to hear about what's happening in your family. Glad to hear that the teeth are feeling better, poor kid. Doesn't sound like any fun at all...

IandS said...

That's great that E is excited about reading. I read that the most important thing you can do to get your kids to read is to let them see you reading. I'm sure your kids have seen this - mine too! My Dad used to take me every Saturday morning to the big old library when I was a kid - I loved it and it's a great memory for me.

morganspice said...

You may not want one, but as a child linguist I know why he said that. He is still clearly in an objective sense of naming and will only gradually add the functional sense in the next few years. There short and not too boring I hope.