Sunday, February 24, 2008

J was right...

I thought this story deserves a post of it's own. Yesterday, I took E and L shopping. Since we had to stop by Deseret book I decided to head down to the factory outlets and stock up on some clothes for P. Heading back up the freeway, L informed me that he needed to pee. I was going to just pull over to the offramp and have him pee there, but then I spotted a Target and decided to stop there. When we pulled into the parking lot, L got really upset because he wanted to pee on the side of the road. Sadly, I relented and let him pee in a secluded area of the parking lot. When I was talking to J later he thought that I would come to regret it.

Later that night, at home, E came up to me and said "I think L peed in the garage, there is a big puddle". Sure enough, he had stood on the top step and peed right on the garage floor. I kept asking him "where do we pee?" and he kept answering "in the garage". Hopefully the whopping he received will stave off more of that.


Kim-the-girl said...

HOLY COW! That is hilarious! I guess its a good thing I don't have a garage. Although, it could be worse, my nephew was found squatting in the backyard because he wanted to poo like Bruno, the dog. ;)

KellyAnne said...

Haha! I still remember Lucinda Rowe's little boy peeing on someone else's picnic blanket at the zoo. It was hilarious but I didn't dare laugh too hard because I knew that it would probably happen in our family a time or two in the future!

Cam said...
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Cam said...

This reminds me of a time when I was a nanny, we were all at Kingsbury Hall to watch the younger girls in the family perform in some kind of dance competition. The little kids were getting bored, so I took them outside for a walk- and little Michael (2 or 3) just peed right there on the front lawn of Kingsbury hall in front of many people- I was so embarrassed!
And this isn't the same thing- but just made me think of it-- in the same family we noticed that their little girl (same age as Michael) wasn't using toilet paper, and brought it up. She said, "I just shake it- like Michael." Maybe you had to be there, but I've always thought it was hilarious!
On another note- we totally missed Sacrament meeting yesterday (had a rough night with Ally)- so we missed your talks, but I heard they were good, and I heard there was a great musical number. What was your subject? Talk to you later!

JandS Morgan said...

Many years ago we went camping and my nephew peed right in the middle of the campsite. I was pretty dang shocked at the time, but obviously experience has tempered my reaction :)

I guess you could sum my topic as "being nice to others, even when they aren't nice to you." J spoke about the importance of our fellowship and using our interactions to improve each other.

Maren Hansen said...

man, that is hilarious. i'm going to teach him to pee in Grandma Corey's potted plants this summer...

P is just looking cuter and cuter. i love it when they discover their feet. Mini-Me got a piece of granola bar on the bottom of her bare foot today and it was SO cute to see her pulling her foot all the way up to her face so she could squint at the offending grain...