Friday, January 11, 2008

Still Life

After several months of nagging, J let me buy a Canon Rebel XTi. It's a digital SLR camera, not top of the line, but still sweet. There's going to be a bit of a learning curve and we'll need to invest in some pricey lenses, but I'm very happy with the pictures we've taken so far.

We are back to 9-12 church finally. Although we have to rush to get ready in the morning I love coming home and having Sunday nap. Plus I don't feel so drowsy at church. P does much better with the morning time too. L had his first day of primary as the youngest Sunbeam. I was a little nervous because of the potty training, but he did very well. B had a talk and managed to blow the one joke that J threw in there.

The kids went back to school on Monday and promptly had a day off Tuesday, when it snowed. I don't think they needed to cancel school that day, but the next day it was super icy without even a late arrival. J had to take an alternate route to work because of a fatal accident. I love the fact that he can get to work faster on the farm roads, but I do worry a little bit about what can happen on those roads.

I discovered two things yesterday. 1. Do not nap and leave L unsupervised. 2. I prefer Lasagna with cottage cheese instead of ricotta.

L painted nail polish all over the bathroom, drew all over his bedroom door with dry erase marker and smeared poop in various locations. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but that certainly didn't hold him back. He'll be lucky if he makes it to his fourth birthday. At least he is doing well with his potty training. When I tell him not to do something he says "But I like to."

When I told J I prefer the cottage cheese he looked devastated. He told me that he has always been so happy that I used ricotta. I told him I'd continue to use the ricotta, but I'm glad to know cottage cheese is what I was looking for.

Poor E has inherited my doggie phobia. She encountered a dog while walking home from the bus yesterday and was pretty freaked out. I'll admit I've not been very happy with the amount of times we see loose dogs in our cul de sac. I sent the walkie talkie with her today so she could call me if she needs help. I'd walk her home, but P is usually eating then.

Here are some of the better pictures we've taken recently:

This one made me realize how big our family is getting.

"Stop taking my picture!"

"Leave me alone!"



IandS said...

I is so jealous of your camera:) No-one is allowed to encourage him to buy one:) :)

Kim-the-girl said...

We love our new camera too! congrats on the upgrade. I can not believe all that L did while you napped, my kids would have had to avoid public places for a week because of the bruising I'm sure...maybe I shouldn't publish that...don't tell.

Maren Hansen said...

Like the last one of your kitties giving each other "love". Man, P is like mini-J, oh except that J doesn't have fuzz sticking up all over. Maybe he should shave so they match?... :) Send L out here and I'll give him a beating he'll never forget. I'm so glad Shrimp has finally gotten over doing that while I nap. Now I just have to break up the fights when they are all home together during nap time on the weekends... You're camera sounds cool--nice pics. I've gotta get Derek to burn discs of what he's downloaded from our new dig camcorder and put up picks of Mini-Me walking laps around the house...

Maren Hansen said...

I forgot to tell you that I discovered several years ago that I too prefer cottage cheese. Probably cause that's what we grew up with?

morganspice said...

Harry cured Slade and Archer of their dobphobia--they were bad. You miht want to come over and see sometime. We can always lock him in a room if he freaks anyone out.