Friday, January 25, 2008

The DS Revolution

The kiddos had their first enforced break from the nintendo this week. J got tired of them arguing and crying on Saturday, so he told them they couldn't have it for 3 weeks. At first I thought that was a little long until I realized he didn't actually plan on keeping it from them for that long. They have it back now, but, since their cousin is over playing today, I took it away temporarily. I took all 5 kids to Winco today and it really wasn't bad. I'm an ubermom :)

I haven't been so happy with my makup skills the last little while so my friend and I went to the mall Saturday to visit the makeup counter. I did learn a couple of tricks (I only had them do my eyes) that I think have made a big difference. Whenever I've worn makeup in the past I thought it made me look funny and now I think it looks pretty decent. After the mall we stopped by one of my absolute favorite restaurants, The Mad Greek. I wish I knew how to make Gyros that good.

L is still doing great with his potty training. He's even insisting on peeing standing up. J wasn't too sure about it at first, but I think he makes less of a mess that way than sitting down. He's also dropped his afternoon nap completely. This means he goes to bed earlier than the other 2, which works out well since it prevents him from trying to play with them while they are trying to go to sleep.

Nagging is really working out well for me lately. J caved and we bought a bookcase to replace the cinderblocks in the back room. It makes me happy to look at it. I'll be so glad when we replace the carpet in the house though. That is the number one thing I hate. We'll be replacing it this summer and putting laminate through the hall and kitchen.

P has her second cold right now. I've started moving her over to regular formula again. Last night she woke in the middle of the night (completely atypical) and when I saw the runny nose I was worried she was reacting to the formula. When L woke up he had a runny nose too so I was pretty relieved that it is just a cold. She's not too happy about it since she is not used to having a clogged nose. I'm humidifying the whole house right now since it has been bone dry the last few days.

E has her first admirer. A boy at school has been giving her gifts and telling her that he loves her. I told her she is not allowed to like him right now. She told me that she is allowed to, but she doesn't like him anyway.

I'm really enjoying this presidential primary season. It is so much more exciting than usual. I feel like I'm watching a sport's competition in some ways. I've never been into sports, but it gives me somewhat of a sense for what it must be like to have a sport's team you root for. I'm so amazed that Romney has made it this far. I'm trying to not get my hopes up. McCain and Huckabee drive me crazy so I'm definitely rooting against them. I bought J a subscription to Rush 24/7 for Christmas, and it has been really nice to listen to.

I hope you all have seen Stardust. If you haven't, you are really missing out.


Maren Hansen said...

First, I have to say, holy cow, look at P's eyes! They are big and beautiful! She's a skinny little looker already! :) But hey, where' the pic of the bookcase? Who wouldn't fall in love with E? :) I took 6 kids to the store not long ago. 4+ kids is about the same amount of work.

Kim-the-girl said...

I think you are an ubermom! I, too, have LOVED the presidential stuff. We should talk, I miss you. I've thought of calling lately, but talk myself out of it for some reason...Getting makeup done is always a fun, new adventure its good to break some of our own norms. I also love that E "can" bust doesn't like him in return, you can definitely see whose daughter she is ;o)

morganspice said...

I am not sure what B is doing, but Sadie is looking kind of a bit freaked out by it, but she can be dramatic in pictures.

E kind of has a heroin shik look going on sucking in her cheeks like that!