Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who's Right?

I'm so torn about this story. The rational/libertarian side of me says that they should be allowed to do what they want, as long as they aren't actively harming the children. My heart breaks though for the poor kids that suffer from easily treatable medical conditions. It is definitely a slope, but how far down we should go, I don't know.

I'm reminded of the issues senior citizens and their caregivers deal with. I can't imagine wanting to live with the quality of life some seniors have. I'd hope that someone caring for me would be able to take away all medications except those that would continue to make life comfortable. I have no interest in extending my life in bad health. The problem is that it is not easy to take away medications. The state will often intervene and force the caregiver to continue the medication. Do they have that right? I don't think they should. The two stories are somewhat similar and since it is a slope and not a clearly defined boundary for quality of life it is hard to know where to draw the line.

I personally would say that the biggest factor is age. Children should be afforded all the care they can receive. Once you are an adult you can decide whether or not to treat your UTI. Of course, that then raises the question of what caregivers should be allowed to do for seniors with the mentality of a child. Which is why, EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE AN ADVANCED DIRECTIVE!

There's my soap box for the day.

1 comment:

Jacob J said...

Yep, that is a stark juxtaposition.