Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Growing Up

Fefe started preschool this year so I've had a couple hours to myself Mon, Wed, Fri. It's a pretty short amount of time, but it sure feels weird. Fefe is absolutely in love with preschool. On Monday she told me I didn't have to walk her to the door, that she could go in by herself. My little girl is growing up. I don't let her go without a kiss and a hug though. It's interesting to see the enthusiasm with which she approaches things. I'm sure some of it comes from being the youngest, but alot of it is her personality too. Loofa has never had this kind of enthusiasm.

Fefe started dance this year too and is absolutely in love with it. She'd be in heaven if she could go everyday. Our school pickup route goes past the dance studio and her preschool and every time we go past she shouts out, "There's my dance class!" and "There's my preschool!".

Loofa and Brother B aren't nearly as excited for school, but they are resigned to it. Brother B is pretty disappointed that his two best friends from Gales Creek aren't at Dilley. I feel bad for him being shuffled around to so many schools. At least next year he'll be at the upper elementary. Once you hit those grades there is only one school to go to in the district.

Ephant was almost as enthusiastic for school to start as Fefe, mostly to see her friends again. She ended up with a pretty awesome teacher this year. She still wants to teach them art and social studies even though the administration is pushing math/literacy so heavily. It is not fair that my child should be punished for another child's failure to read.


Jocelyn said...

Yep, I agree. I'm so sick of them upping the standards with math and literacy, and just expecting us to drop everything else to spend more time on them. It's a struggle finding time to do art, science, and social studies, but somehow I do it.

Maren Hansen said...

I like your blog template.

Our school doesn't even have art. WHAT?? The kids had art at every other school we've been at. It's weird.